
Solar panels on the roof of a David Lloyd Club

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at David Lloyd Clubs, and our target to become net zero by 2030 underpins our environmental programmes.

Our 2030 Carbon Net Zero Commitment

Carbon net zero means that across all of our clubs, we add no more carbon than we remove. We include emissions that we are directly responsible for, and we go further than this by also including emissions that occur throughout our supply chain activity.

To achieve this, we will ‘electrify’ as much as we possibly can through deployment of renewable technologies, and then any remaining emissions will be eliminated from our supply chain.


Why should we do this now?

Our members and our colleagues tell us it is very important that we make a positive contribution in this area. There are a lot of activities and projects we are able to start work on soon, which will deliver carbon reductions. The 2030 timeframe also gives us time to work out answers to the more difficult challenges.

How are we going to achieve this?

No matter how big or small, every single one of us can make a positive impact, and this will be crucial if we are going to achieve our Net Zero commitment.

Our future activity will be aligned to:

  • Reducing our water and energy consumption
  • Generating our own renewable energy onsite
  • Reducing indirect emissions across our supply chain
  • Using sustainable modes of transport
  • Reducing plastics and waste and increase recycling rates
  • Reduce or remove carbon emissions when we build new clubs
  • Improve awareness of colleagues and members

What we have done so far

The following actions have resulted in a reduction of 10,000+ tonnes CO2e. That’s over 10,200 flights to New York and back.

• Invested £20million in energy efficient technology and utility-related initiatives in our clubs, including low energy LED lighting on our tennis courts and overhauling our heating and cooling systems. Plus upgrades to our Business Management Systems.
• Completed our first solar panel installation projects at our Luton and La Finca Clubs. These generate 25% and 35% of the club’s energy needs. Watch the video to see the solar panels in action at David Lloyd Luton
• We have switched to green energy purchasing across clubs in the UK & Europe. 100% of our grid electricity in the UK is renewably sourced.
• Reduced total waste in 2022 by 7% and introduced more recyclable materials in club
• We are the first health and fitness club in the UK to get a self-supply water license to allow us to take greater control of our water usage.
• We have defined our carbon reduction roadmap.
• We are pursuing third party verification of our 2030 Carbon Net Zero targets and aligned to the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).



    Our future plans

    We know that there is a lot more to be done, so we have put the following plans in place for the next 12 months:

    • Trialling new energy efficient showers
    • Rolling out solar panels at other clubs
    • Installing an air source pumps – to remove 70% of club carbon emissions
    • Fitting EV charging points across our clubs
    • Reducing single use items in our clubs and adding more recycling bins
    • Launching an internal campaign to reduce energy usage 
    • All new clubs will be built incorporating energy efficiency and renewable technologies 

    Visit our Responsible Business page to find out more about ESG